L’AMOUR DE DIEU Poetry-Day 7

1. An infinite Sacrifice without conditions, Bestowed to one reckless from the womb. Drawn with unbreakable cords. And sealed with an eternal encryption. Ooh The Great Love of God
2. A matchless conquest, Forever assured before waging wars. Clothed in an everlasting embrace, The repellent of cold and hostility. Ooh The Great Love of God
3. A lavished beauty abounding, With Rich Restorations and upgrades. For one Driven out of the quagmire, Unto an unshakable foothold. Ooh The Great Love of God
The love of God is consistently unwavering and unchanging towards us. Before we existed it was present, and remains even after we exit. It never fails, owing to the fact that God doesn’t lie. His love hangs the balance of Mercy and Justice.
His love is a revelation everyone must encounter. His love is transforming and redeeming even to the darkest of hearts. His love is alluring and accommodating, priceless in the market of treasuries. His love is pleasant like music to the ear and entertaining like percussion to the feet.
What is fear in the sight of the Love of God? Away into nothingness it disappears, pledging never to return! Encompassing boldness where feets fail and hearts faint. A love shared abroad, beckoning all to draw near and taste of its assortment.
Thank you father for Your Love which reaches out to me daily. Help me experience and know your love, in all circumstances and help me love others also, in Jesus name amen
Thank you for joining us today on Turkish Delight, it’s all about God!!!
Glory be to God…
The Love Of God
Great piece
More insight ma
1 John 4:16
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dewlleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Thank you God bless you 🙏